Wear We Are: The Prologue

From hand-me-downs to off-the-rack, the clothes we wear may well be another language through which we speak to others, ourselves, and life itself. In the first of this series on personal style, we peek into the evolving wardrobes of an all women ensemble as they reflect on the meanders of life, and the stories of growth and adaptation their shifting outfits have told.


Styling Time: Karin Majdalany of KABOCHON


“I used to wear tighter, shorter, and more casual clothes with higher heels. After having kids and with the creeping up of age, I’ve gone for more comfortable looks that also camouflage the ‘ravages of time’. Nowadays, looking and feeling professional by wearing tailored outfits and jackets makes me feel great! But some things haven’t changed much — I still love wearing bright colours and denim jackets!”


Power Dressing: Priscilla and Janice Tan of SOJAO


“Our personal styles have evolved along with our business and the confidence we gained as we progressed from start-up founders to assured entrepreneurs! We take pride and strongly believe in adding to the diversity of female leaders being represented in the public eye.”


Unzipping Inhibition: Barbara Layachi of Darsala


“My experience as a lingerie model gave me a very precise perception of my body. The choreographed fashion shows taught me to be comfortable in my skin and to get rid of any form of inhibition. But the fact remains that, with the effects of age and then motherhood, my body has changed. My past as a model, then as a stylist, helped me to accept the changes. More importantly, I believe in being in harmony with myself. It is necessary to learn to remove from your wardrobe what is no longer in line with you. To me, true elegance can be found in the joy of being able to charm yourself – no matter when in life – with your own style.”


By SERENE GOH of Public Culture, an editorial experience studio that believes in connection over communication.


Mobilising Community: Beyond Social Services


From the Drawing Board